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air base 航空[空軍]基地。

According to the lawsuit filed by lt . col . martha mcsally on december 3 , women can be court - martialed if they leave prince sultan air base without a male chaperone , are not covered from head - to - toe with a dark abayah “ robe , or sit in the front seat of a vehicle 這名名叫馬莎麥克薩莉的空軍中校12月3日向法院提交了訴狀,控告美國駐沙特空軍基地的荒謬軍規:女兵外出時如果沒有男性陪伴,沒有從頭到腳裹上深色阿拉伯長袍或者乘車時坐在了前排座位上都要受到軍令處置。

“ more than 35 countries are giving crucial support , from the use of naval and air bases , to help with intelligence and logistics , to the deployment of combat units 至少35個國家向我們提供重要幫助,包括使用他們的基地、分享情報、提供后勤支援。

“ more than 35 countries are giving crucial support , from the use of naval and air bases , to help with intelligence and logistics , to the deployment of combat units 至少35個國家向我們提供重要幫助,包括使用他們的基地分享情報提供后勤支援。

The twin - seater jet , named “ hsiung yin “ , or “ brave eagle “ , was rolled out tuesday at an air base in central taiwan 這種名為“雄鷹”的雙座噴氣飛機星期二在臺中的一個空軍基地亮相。

air bath

The digital city emergency management system is developed with many states of application technologies which include gsm network communication and locating technology , ism radio frequent communication and orientation technology , rational communication protocol , low power technical application , communication air base collision control , crc correction technology , arm development platform , etc 摘要通過綜合使用gsm網絡通信和定位技術、 ism射頻通信和定向技術、嚴密合理的通信協議、低功耗技術的應用、通信中信息空中碰撞的解決方法、 crc糾錯技術、 arm開發平臺的應用等多項應用技術,完整地構成了人員急救報警服務系統平臺。

One day before the event , a group of cooks and decorators from gunma and tokyo gathered at yokota air base , magically transformed an american living room into a japanese kitchen overnight , and prepared dish after dish of japanese vegetarian delicacies . meanwhile the formosan video team worked with the japanese initiates as filming began in the late afternoon and continued throughout the night . by sunrise saturday morning the team had filmed twelve vegetarian cooking demonstrations 活動前一天,從群馬和東京來的廚師及美工同修聚橫須賀空軍基地,他們徹夜工作,神奇地將一間美式客廳布置成日式廚房,并烹調出一道道精美的日式素食料理,供節目制作小組進行拍攝,于隔天黎明時,終于拍攝完十二道料理的示范過程。

The air base assigned a soldier to guard the goods for us . in the beginning , he had little respect for us . but day and night , he watched this group of foreigners busily packing sugar , salt and rice , not taking any time for sleep , and then going out in trucks at daybreak to offer relief provisions to his fellow countrymen in the affected areas 當時軍用基地派士兵看守貨物,那位士兵剛開始并不是很尊重我們,后來,看這群外國人,每天忙著分糖分米分到不睡覺,天剛亮又跟著卡車去災區,救他們的同胞,回來多是天已黑暗,從不休息。

According to the lawsuit filed by lt . col . martha mcsally on december 3 , women can be court - martialed if they leave prince sultan air base without a male chaperone , are not covered from head - to - toe with a dark abayah “ robe , or sit in the front seat of a vehicle 這名名叫馬莎麥克薩莉的空軍中校12月3日向法院提交了訴狀,控告美國駐沙特空軍基地的荒謬軍規:女兵外出時如果沒有男性陪伴,沒有從頭到腳裹上深色阿拉伯長袍或者乘車時坐在了前排座位上都要受到軍令處置。

Based on the view that tokyo must prompt changes regardless of the administrative structure at the national level , efforts have been made to decentralize power through the introduction of civil - military dual use of facilities at yokota air base , and by responding to the so - called trinity reforms aimed at ensuring greater administrative authority for local governments 基于此觀點:東京必須促進變化而不必理會國家規定的行政結構,通過推行橫田軍事基地設施的民用軍用雙重功能,努力分散權力,實行所謂的“三位一體”的改革,目的是使地方政府擁有更多的職權。

With regard to the civilian - military dual - use of yokota air base , which i have insisted upon since taking office , specific examinations into its realization have been started by a us - japan study group , bringing us at last to the final steps in achieving this goal 關于我上任以來一直主張的橫田基地軍民共用化,日美兩國政府研究小組已經開始進行具體試驗,距離最后實現僅一步之遙。

N june 7 , 2003 , initiates from the tokyo center promoted vegetarianism at yokota air base , home to approximately 14 , 000 american service people , through two vegetarian food parties . the events were the first of their kind hosted by tokyo initiates 推廣素食,日本同修于2003年6月在橫須賀空軍基地舉辦了兩場素食饗宴,這是東京小中心首度向旅居海外的美國人介紹素食。

A dramatic increase in potential of the tama area is also anticipated to come from urban functions boosted through civilian - military dual - use of yokota air base and other developments , to create a new sphere that could be called the wider tama area 加上橫田基地軍民共用化等都市機能的充實,多摩地區的潛能將進一步上升,預計將形成一個稱為“廣域多摩”的新區域。

If saddam defies the ultimatum , the anti - iraq allies who fought saddam in the gulf war two years ago could retaliated by bombing his missiles ? or up the ante and go after iraqi air bases or was planes 如果薩達姆公開拒絕最后通牒,兩年以前在海彎戰爭中與薩達姆作戰的反伊拉克盟國可能轟炸他的導彈以為報復? ?或提高賭注攻擊伊拉克空軍基地或戰機。

We soon received help from a general who offered an indoor basketball court at an air base where we could store the relief provisions . that saved a lot of time in transportation , and increased our efficiency 我記得后來得到一位將軍協助,提供一處位于空軍基地內的室內籃球場讓我們放置救災物品,這樣省了很多運輸時間,在工作效益上提升很多。

And the u . s . military said today wednesday three insurgents were killed tuesday when an unmanned drone aircraft fired a missile at them while they were planting a roadside bomb near balad air base 美國軍方星期三說,一架無人駕駛飛機向正在巴拉德空軍基地附近埋放路邊炸彈的反叛分子發射導彈,擊斃3名反叛分子。

More than 35 countries are giving crucial support - - from the use of naval and air bases , to help with intelligence and logistics , to the deployment of combat units 已有35個以上國家正在給予重要支持從提供海軍和空軍基地到提供情報和后勤,乃至部署作戰部隊。

This included an agreement that within 12 months time they will complete their studies into the specific terms and conditions for military - civilian dual - use of yokota air base 其中包括在12個月之內,他們將完成橫田空軍基地軍民兩用的詳盡的條款和具體情況調查研究。

The plane was taking german troops and supplies to the termez air base in uzbekistan , which is used by nato to support its force in afghanistan 那架飛機正將德國官兵和裝備運送到在烏孜別克斯坦的鐵爾梅茲空軍基地,這一基地被北約部隊來為在其阿富汗的部隊提供支持。

More than 35 countries are giving crucial support , from the use of naval and air bases , to help with intelligence and logistics , to the deployment of combat units 超過35個國家向我們提供重要幫助,包括使用他們的海空基地、分享情報、提供后勤支援及調配戰爭物資。